Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Is Bullying A Serious Problem - 1683 Words

History of the Problem Bullying has been an ongoing problem all over the world for as long as people can remember. Bullying by definition is, to use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. Bullying is a very serious problem, victims of bullying are more prone to depression. Bullying does not affect just one group, it can happen to anyone making it a prevalent threat to all of society. Approximately 160,000 teens skip school every day because of bullying.(need citation), and every year 3.2 million students fall victim to bullying. These number are alarming and growing. Physical bullying is not the only type of bullying. Recently within the last two decades technology development has skyrocketed, while this is a positive thing, it has allowed for bullies to change up their tactics and attack and bully from the anonymity of the internet. This allows for the bully to do, say, and post whatever appeases them without being caught. The term cyberbully was nonexistent before the 2000’s. It came into play once companies started to release apps that allowed for social interaction amongst people. Apps such as MySpace, Facebook, Snapchat, and Twitter started to gain much popularity among the people. The term cyber bullying is defined as bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Cyber bullying can happen through an extensive array of methods, some are texts, phone calls, im’s, email, chat rooms etcShow MoreRelatedIs Bullying A Serious Problem?1176 Words   |  5 PagesHundreds of years bullying has been going on, how long will it finally stop? In the United States Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the CDC. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it. Bullying is a Very serious social matter that needs to stop, Bullying related suicideRead MoreBullying : A Serious Problem1326 Words   |  6 Pagesissue of bullying may seem insignificant and petty, but the truth is we are conditioned to ignore it. The fear of being the next victim has caused many to lose sight of their moral compass when it comes to defending one another or standing up for what is right. Instead we cower and turn our attention to giving way to the biggest and loudest voice. Most people are prone to neglect the fact someone is being bullied, because once again they fear becoming the next victim. School bullying is a p roblemRead MoreBullying Is A Serious Problem2278 Words   |  10 PagesBullying has become a very serious problem in today’s schools, with one in four kids being bullied on a regular basis (School Bullying Statistics, 2015). More specifically kids between sixth and tenth grade are more likely to have involvement in bullying (School Bullying Statistics, 2015). Bullying can include physical, verbal or psychological attacks or intimidation intended to cause fear, or harm to someone (Ttofi Farrington, 2010). Verbal bullying accounts for about 77% of all bullying (SchoolRead MoreCyber Bullying Is A Serious Problem1569 Words   |  7 Pagessocial media, entertainment, and study purposes. What is behind the internet that we do not realize? Bullying comes in many different forms whether getting targeted on the playground, at work, or even on the internet. Bullying is a violent and harmful act. This violence has been around for as long as schools have been around, but bullying has increased elsewhere. The act of cyberbullying, which is bullying that takes place on any form of technology, is expanding abundantly, with â€Å"more than one out ofRead MoreBullying : A Serious Social Problem886 Words   |  4 Pagesnormal aspect of growing up, bullying in schools is increasingly being recognized as a serious social problem that should be met with organized preventative efforts to downsize it. Bullying commonly deals with three aspects such as the nature of its occurrence, the frequency it takes place, and the effects it can have on a person. While each instance is different for each person, one constant is that this is a uncomfortable situation for anyone to deal with. Bullying can be described as a negativeRead MoreBullying Is A Serious Social Problem911 Words   |  4 PagesBullying is a serious social problem that happens in schools between adolescents. Bullying is not taken seriously and often dismissed. The perpetrator and the victim are expected to work o ut the situation on their own. There are many forms of bullying such as physical, verbal, social, and cyber. The perpetrators can have a negative effect on the victim for many years and possibly even life. Despite numerous â€Å"anti-bullying† advertisements and campaigns, bullying is an important social issue that occursRead MoreChildhood Bullying : A Serious Public Health Problem1032 Words   |  5 PagesChildhood bullying has recently been considered a serious public health problem. Little research has been conducted regarding the predisposing factors involved in childhood bullies. Existing literature suggests that the child’s early home environment is strongly correlated with the development of anti-social behaviour. The research paper â€Å"Early Cognitive Stimulation, Emotional Support, and Television Watching as Predictors of Subsequent Bullying Among Grade-School Children† (2005), hypothesizes thatRead MoreBullying : A Serious Problem Affecting Student s Nation Wide With Up2973 Words   |  12 PagesThere is no doubt, that everyone may have had an experience with bullying, either as a witness, victim or possibly a participant. Th ere is one in 10 bullying victims that are bullied daily, while one in five victims are bullied once or twice a month (Mahoney, 2012). Bu llying is known to be a serious problem affecting student’s nation wide with up to 15% reporting regular bullying. V ictimization or bullying by peers has been identified as an area of major concern for school students (KochenderferRead MoreThe Internet and Cyberbullying Essay576 Words   |  3 PagesCyber Bullying Nowadays, the Internet is regarded as the most widely used source of social media and the fastest way to exchange knowledge and information all over the world, playing a vital role in everyone’s daily life. The internet has countless functions, useful for everyday work and entertainment, but it is being abused by people nowadays. One of the ways it is being abused is by cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is when people use the internet to make fun of others, belittle them, andRead MoreThe Dangers Of Bullying That Teens And Kids Face811 Words   |  4 PagesThe Dangers of Bullying that Teens and Kids Face Getting kidnapped, having problems with drugs, being bullied, and teen pregnancy are just a few of the many dangers that teens and kids face every day. One of the biggest concerns today is bullying. Bullying can happen anywhere and is a problem that affects millions of kids and teens each year. Bullying is defined as an unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated

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