Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Forensic, Deliberative, and Ceremonial Arguments Essay...

Arguments can be made out of just about anything. An argument has two sides, and conveying an opinion is one of those two sides. Arguments sort out the views of others and the support of those arguments represented by those people from past events. These events let others show their argument about what will happen in the future, and of how the future carries on today. Newspaper articles can be arguments, and laws being passed in Congress have a form of argument associated with them. There are many types of arguments that are presented in many ways. In Everything’s an Argument by Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz, information is given about three specific types of argument: forensic, deliberative, and ceremonial. Forensic arguments†¦show more content†¦It is stated that â€Å"the problem is that Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, who wrote the majority opinion in the DOMA case, did not explicitly address the constitutionality of laws against same-sex marriage, even as he eloquently condemned Congress for demeaning married same-sex couples† (Los Angeles Times). To determine why it is taking so long for the justices to stop prolonging the issue, the article looks at the evidence of how information has not been completely addressed. It is clear that the higher courts have yet to finalize a decision on same-sex marriage. Court observers hypothesized that justices wanted the ruling of same-sex marriage to go to the lower courts because the process is proving will prolong for years until a final decision is made. However, â€Å"the speed with which lawyers and lower-court judges are pressing the issue suggests that the justices will have to confront it sooner rather than later† (Los Angeles Times). This is a representation of the definition of a forensic argument, to look at the actions of the past to determine the present. Moreover, deliberative arguments express ideas about what should happen in the future. An example of a deliberative argument is the Los Angeles Times editorial titled â€Å"No warrant, no search of your cellphone†. The argument in this article is that there should be a warrant issued for cell phones to be searched. The article testifies â€Å"now that phonesShow MoreRelatedAristotle s Rhetoric And Rhetoric1365 Words   |  6 Pagessyllogisms as a way of persuasion. He introduces three types of rhetoric which consist of, intentional, forensic and epideictic rhetoric (Aristotle, 2010). The structure of rhetoric comprises of two divisions. The first division deal with the three ways of persuasion. Aristotle says that speech can persuade through the character of the speaker, the listener’s emotional state and also the basis of the argument. The second division is the one that is concerned with what the audience will do or what they willRead MoreRhetoric Theories And Their Impact On The Pre Modern Discourse2863 Words   |  12 Pagespersuade and inform audience in specific situations. Rhetoric has played a central role in European tradition as a subject of productive civil practice and formal study. Rhetoric provides heuristics for developing, discovering and understanding arguments for particular situations. The five canons of rhetoric which were first coded in classical Rome help a speaker to design a persuasive speech. The five canons of rhetoric are delivery, memory, style, arrangement and invention (Blake, 2009). AlongsideRead MoreRhetoric And Rhetoric2 851 Words   |  12 Pagespersuade and inform audience in specific situations. Rhetoric has played a central role in European tradition as a subject of productive civil practice and formal study. Rhetoric provides heuristics for developing, discovering and understanding arguments for particular situations. The five canons of rhetoric which were first coded in classical Rome help a speaker to design a persuasive speech. The five canons of rhetoric are delivery, memory, style, arrangement and invention (Blake, 2009). AlongsideRead MoreThe Art Of Communication : The Importance Of Interpersonal Communication1933 Words   |  8 Pagesrhetorical artifacts we are exposed to. Many still practice the art of persuasion, according to the treatise of Aristotle, who taught that â€Å"rhetoric is most important in the following contexts: a deliberative setting, such as a political debate; a forensic argument made in court; or an epideictic, or ceremonial, speech, such as a funeral oration â€Å"(Bach, 2013). With-in this view, enthymeme and persuasive goals can easily walk the fence of ethical greyness; no one enjoys the bondage created by coercion

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