Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Marketing youself Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing youself - Essay Example From last phase of 2008 onward labour market is in a pathetic condition. Though the data relies by government and non-government agencies reveals that many companies started recruitment phase, but this is mostly at the lower level and for the employees belonging to the age group of 19-24 years. The important grounds for selection of these workers are Communication skill (54%), professional qualification (41%) and work ethics (39%). It has been declared that just 15 percent of the employees will receive a review in their pays in the year 2009. Only 8% of the companies are planning to heir migrant employees and these should be highly skilled (ICPD, 2009). The labour market in UK is composed of 31.23 million people as of 2008. Approximately, 1.3 % of this population is engaged in agriculture, 24.2% in the industry and 74.5 5 in the services industry. The unemployment rate of the country is about 5.6% as of 2008. (CIA World Factbook, 2009). UK has seen major ups and downs with regards to its employment rates. The percentage of the working population has however seen a northward trend since 1993. The report also states that the country spends the lowest amount towards the active based market programs when compared with other countries. UK spends less than 0.4% on its labour market programs as a percentage of the GDP which is much lower than its other counterparts in Europe. The reason for this can be attributed to the astounding success of the economy of the nation which has seen continuous periods of growth for about 57 quarters. Secondly there is very limited regulation and limits on the labour market. (Cort, n.d.). The recent economic downturn has taken its toll on the job market in UK. The unemployment rates have risen sharply. The latest figures released by the government shows that the total number of unemployed people in UK is about 2.26 million as of 2009. Analysts predict that these figures

Monday, October 28, 2019

Unit One Grade 12 Biology Study Notes Essay Example for Free

Unit One Grade 12 Biology Study Notes Essay Lipids (Fats, phospholipids, sterols) Fats used to insulate the body as well as protect organs SATURATED -better for you -one or more double bonds between carbons -less hydrogens -oils (sunflower, flax) -lower melting point UNSATURATED -worse for you -single bonds between carbons -more hydrogens -animal fats -higher melting points Phospholipid -2 fatty acids, 1 glycerol, phosphate group, + choline group -hydrophobic tails -hydrophilic heads Phospholipid Bilayer Groupings of phospholipids move together and create a protective membrane with the hydrophilic heads one the outside and very inside of the cell and the hydrophobic tails facing one another. Sterols -4 hydrocarbon chains fused together -many functional groups attached CHOLESTEROL -a big part of the cell membrane cells turn cholesterol into vitamin D and bile salts Carbohydrates (mono, di, poly saccharides) Monosaccharides- hold energy and store it for cellular respiration Simple sugars – provide short term energy and storage -most common one is Glucose (C6H12O) -glactose and fructose are chemical isomers meaning they have the same chemical formula but different structures. Disaccharides 2 monosaccharides combined glucose + glucose = maltose Polysaccharides Many monosaccharides combined together to create STARCH, CELLULOSE and GLYCOGEN Starch (amylose-simpler diagram)- long term energy and storage Glycogen (more branched diagram) unused glucose is turned into glycogen and stored for later use Cellulose- plant cells are made of this which is why they are rigid. Used in digestion in humans, cleans out colon and intestines. Proteins – building blocks of life Amino acids – organic compound containing an amino and a carboxyl group Have R-groups or side chains that are responsible for how it bonds with other amino acids. The bonds between amino acids are peptide bonds. NON POLAR LIKES NON POLAR POLAR LIKES POLAR POSITIVE LIKES NEGATIVE Primary structure A bunch of amino acids bind together through a certain sequence coded in the DNA -the number and order of acids is specific to each different protein Secondary Structure Peptide chains begin to bond with each other through the r groups. Bonds done in the secondary structure are usually done between amino acids close together. This causes the polypeptide chain to become ALPHA HELIX or a BETA PLEATED SHEET -main bonds are hydrogen bonds between the carboxyl and oxygen atoms Tertiary Structure More bonds occur between amino acids but this time they are father apart from each other causing it to bend and fold even more 4 bonds DISULPHIDE BOND- a bond between cysteine amino acids ELECTROSTATIC BOND- an ionic bond between negative a positive side chains HYDROGEN BONDS- a bond between polar r-groups HYDROPHOBIC INTERACTIONS- a bond between non-polar r-groups Quatrinary Structure Highest level of organization The bonding of two or more tertiary proteins, making a lot of proteins into functional proteins. Dehydration synthesis- removal of h2o and putting two molecules together Hydrolasis- adding of water and breaking apart two molecules Redox- give an electron away = oxidized, getting an electron = reduced Homeostasis The constant state cells try to be Certain things pass in and out of the cell at specific times and rates so that the internal environment stays stable. Concentration gradient- difference between and are of high and an area of low concentration Brownian motion- the continuous movement and collision between molecules in a liquid Passive transport – needs no energy Simple diffusion- the movement of molecules from an area of high to low concentration. Small uncharged molecules like oxygen are passed through the membrane of a cell easily so that the cell can have oxygen. Osmosis- movement of water across a semi permeable membrane from and area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration SITUATIONS Facilitated diffusion- movement of molecules that are too big to be passed through the phospholipid bilayer or are not lipid soluble. Protiens throughout the membrane assist with the movement Carrier protiens – move only specific molecules. Bind to that molecule and go through a series of movements and shape changing to move the molecule into the cell and then goes through those steps again to return to its original shape. Channel protiens- proteins with a hole in the middle that allows bigger molecules to pass in and out of the cell. Active transport- requires extra energy Cells need higher concentrations of certain nutrients to survive so sometimes molecules are moved against the concentration gradient using applied energy. moving them against the concentration gradient is active transport Sodium potassium pump Bulk transportation Not many materials are too big to pass through the cell membrane. For those that cant, the cell membrane can wrap around the molecule to absorb it. Endocytosis -when the cell wraps around the molecule to absorb it -pinocytosis- cell â€Å"drinking†, small drop of extracellular fluid with small molecules within it (most common) -phagocytosis- cell â€Å"eating†, large drop of extracellular fluid with organic or bacterial molecules Exocytosis -when the vesicle moves to the outside. The vesicle fixes the cell membrane and the contents are moved out of the cell Cell membrane Acts as a barrier for the cell, protecting the internal environment from the external environment. Cell membranes around the cell as well as around the organelles. -regulates what goes in and out of the cells and organelles 4 components= phospholipid bilayer, proteins, cholesterol and carbohydrates phospholipid bilayer 2 fatty acids, 1 glycerol, phosphate group, + choline group provides the physical barrier separates the extracellular fluids from the intracellular fluids proteins GLOBULAR -integral= bound in the hydrophobic interior of the cell -peripheral=bound in the hydrophilic exterior of the cell FIBROUS -figments of the cytoskeleton= microtubules creating a framework for the membrane cholesterol act as patching system and gives the cell fluidity carbohydrates can connect to proteins (glycoproteins) or lipids (glycolipids) and act as communicators between cells Enzymes Biological catalysts Speed up reactions 1000000x Reduce required reaction energy Very sensitive to their environment When exposed to extreme conditions they can â€Å"denature† and become completely dysfunctional Aren’t created nor destroyed during a reaction pH and temperature affect the activity of an enzyme because they will only work at there maximum when in the perfect conditions. Anything other than that wont be optimal and eventually cause the enzyme to denature. Enzymes are proteins with a depression called the active site. R groups stick out of the active side and attract substrates with similar R groups. The catalyzing occurs in the active site. How is the active site shape determined by the 4 levels of protein structure? -polypeptide chain- sequence of amino acids and how the r groups react with eachother which causes a shape -then they fold and bend into secondary and tertiary structure causing for the final shape -the substrate is polar so the r groups facing out into the active site have to have some sort of polarity to attract it. SIMPLE ENZYMES- enzymes made only of protein and the function results from the 3D arrangement of the amino acids CONJUGATED ENZYMES- enzymes with both protein and non protein parts a) apoenzyme- protein part of the enzyme b) cofactor-non protein part, close to active site. WITHIN A COFACTOR -coenzyme= vitamins that are altered during a reaction. These have to be replaced by unaltered molecules before a new substrate can attach -activators=minerals (metal ions) not only do environmental factors (pH and temperature) effect enzymes but substances can inhibit the actions of an enzyme. Competitive inhibiters- so similar to the substrate that they enter the active site and block the substrate from bonding with the enzyme. This can be reversed by adding more concentration of the substrate. Non-competitive inhibiters- attach to a different part of the enzyme and cause the shape to change so the substrates cant bond correctly Allosteric sites- some enzymes have allosteric sites a ways away from the active site. When substrates attach to it they can inhibit or simulate enzyme activity. Binding an activator to an allosteric site stabilizes the proteins conformation and leaves all active sites open. Binding an allosteric inhibitor stabilizes inactive forms of the enzyme.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Christianity Essay -- essays research papers

The period from the eighth to the fourteenth century was one of vast reforms, some for the better and some for the worse. During this period in Europe, commonly known as The Middle Ages, economic reforms took place as well as social, political, and religious changes. One common theme throughout The Middle Ages consisted of the relationship between the Church and the State. The Catholic church during this era held a prominent role in society, and it had an abundant amount of power and authority during this time. The Catholic Church exercised its authority in many different stages, in which a response from the people occurred because of the way the Church showed its power. The nature of the Catholic Church began its reform around the time Charlemagne, from 768 to 814, took control. He became a Christian emperor and the first great political leader in Western Europe. His main goal was to promote the Roman Catholic religion throughout all of the world known to man, and to do this Charlemagne coordinated with the pope, which in turn the pope crowned him the holy Roman Emperor. Charlemagne strived to reestablish central authority and revive the culture of the Early Middle Ages, and he succeeded by gaining authority over a large area, including almost all of Western and Central Europe (Charlemagne p.130-131). Charlemagne also made many reforms, mostly Church and educational ones. He first reformed the monasteries by making them Benedictine; he also made sure that the churches were abiding by the rules and not doing anything wrong. Charlemagne designed a system in which four archbishops were set up in four different regions with their headquarters in cities in that particular region. The archbishops appoint bishops authority in their territories. As the Catholic Church’s authority increases during this time, it also comes with consequences. This system of archbishops and bishops are great for the Church, but Charlemagne uses them as royal agents, which is part of royal policy. Furthermore, Charlemagne makes reforms in education in order to further improve the Church; he sets up a system which strengthens the priesthood by setting up bishop schools. These reforms indicate â€Å"a lack of division between religious and secular affairs† (Charlemagne p.131). Who really has authority, is it the pope or the king? King Charlemagne did make all of the reforms, but the pop... ... the monarchies of Europe and by the papacy. Considering everything the Catholic Church has gone through , was it successful in the religious mission it set out for. The answer to this question is very opinionated to historians, but I believe the answer is no. Notably during the High Middle Ages in which the crusades occurred, many popes set out into various lands including Byzantium and Islam in order to spread Christianity and stop the popularity of the Islamic religion. Many historians believe that the Crusades contributed to the economic and intellectual development of Europe by reopening Mediterranean east-west trade, but these people are wrong (Cantor p.192). All the Crusades did was stir up religious prejudice and the intolerance of Muslims (Cantor p.193). Although the Christian world learned a great deal from the Muslims, the Crusades were not a part of this occurrence. In addition, the fact that heresy occurred from such groups as the Hussites and the Waldensians further proves that the papacy had problems with people actually turning away from the Catholic Church. How could the Church be successful in its religious mission if groups of people are breaking away from it?

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The benefits of preschool Essay -- essays research papers

Everyone has his or her own first day of kindergarten experiences. Some might have been more memorable while others still trying to forget. Mine was merely an observance and evaluation period. After I gave my mother a kiss goodbye, and placed my belongings in the cubbyhole I was ready to learn, but unfortunately the majority of the other students were not. Considering one can not get too accomplished over many loud high-pitched cries, I was forced to be patient and suffer silently from boredom.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Preschool is a beneficial tool for children because they learn social skills and gain an appreciation at an early age for the education system. The prefix â€Å"pre-â€Å" means before or prior to. Preschool education refers to the education of children prior to the first grade of elementary school (Melton 181). By the time kindergarten started I was already comfortable with the idea and concept. I was not only ready, but excited to go to school to learn and meet old and new friends.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rachel and Margaret McMillian (Boyer 47) first developed the nursery school system in England of 1911. They were first coordinated to serve the needs of the poor, and health, nutrition, and social services were provided with an educational program (Boyer 48). Because preschools are subject to licensing regulations and because they have qualified teachers, they provide a valuable experience for each child beyond and baby-sitting service (Kranyik 91). The nursery-school movement began in the 19th century with the growth of the factory system. Mothers were often at work long hours at a time while younger children were left neglected. They were established so those mothers could leave their children in a safe place while they worked. Preschool is an option, but because of the state of the economy, it has forced both of the parents to seek full-time employment, they have no choice. With many children living in a single parent families, the custodial parent may have to work to support the family. Parents who are professionals and want to stay in position as well as raise a family need child care while they are at work (Kranyik 91).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The modern nursery school has changed the mold from when it was first introduced. It is centered more around education than daycare. After WWI many different universities set up labora... ...bservations and understanding of the child as he is, not as adults imagine he might or should be. Dr. Montessori then devised a total environment to help the child develop himself as a total human being. She saw the role of the teacher as one of directing activity rather than actually teaching, so she preferred to use the name â€Å"directress instead of â€Å"teacher.† There are many differences between Montessori and traditional preschool but the basic idea stays the same.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although preschools were mainly invented for the convenience of adults (Melton 182), the have evolved from sandboxes and finger painting to letter blocks and handwriting instructions. Everything is created for the advancement is actually benefiting the preschooler now and in the future even more so. Melton, David, How to Help Your Preschooler Learn. New York, NY: David McKay Company, Inc. 1976 Malloy, Terry, Montessori and Your Child. New York, NY: Schocken Books 1974 Kranyik, Margery A., Starting School. New York, NY: Continuum 1982 Hainstock, Elizabeth, The Essential Montessori. New York, NY: Plume Printing 1986 Boyer, Ernest L., Ready to Learn. Princeton, NJ: The Carnegie Foundation 1991

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

“All the Years of Her Life” and “The Gentlemen of Rio en Medio” Essay

The thing about synonyms is that even though they though they might seem like they are the same thing, if put in a different context they can mean something completely different. It’s interesting how two characters with very similar traits, goals and morals can be so different when placed in different stories, like when you switch a word for its supposed â€Å"synonym†. Don Anselmo and Mrs. Higgins are two very similar people. Both are traditional, respected, a little on the old-fashioned side and good at being seen as proud and confident. But it’s their greatest linking factor, their love for their families and communities, which divides them. Don Anselmo is a proud, traditional and very well respected man who has kept up the tradition of planting a tree for every child in the village to the point where a â€Å"gnarled but beautiful† orchard had become a part of his property. And when he is confronted with the request to ask the children to refrain from playing in the orchard, he explains that it is not his choice nor his place, as â€Å"the trees do not belong to him†. To him, nothing is more important than respecting the honor of his family. And to him, every child in that village whether they’re related to him or not, is his family. On the other hand, Mrs. Higgins has too close of an association with her son to the point where she sees his problems as hers. She has a proud and confident facade that hides a spirit broken by reasons that are out of her control. She appears to blame herself for her son’s inability to keep a steady job and lead a good life. Like Don Anselmo she closely identifies herself with her family that in her case seems to have an ill effect on her lifestyle. â€Å"You’ve disgraced me again and again,† she told Albert as they left the pharmacy. She feels as if her son’s shenanigans are her fault and this causes her spirit to crumble. This isn’t the first time that her family has failed her, which in her eyes translates into failing as a mother. So as you can see, both characters have almost identical personality building blocks. On one hand, Don Anselmo has used his love and respect for family to create a bond between him and his village that lead to a tight knit  community. And on the other, Mrs. Higgins chose to use her tolerance and pride to create a poisonous relationship between her son’s lifestyle and her happiness.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Biography of Salvadore Dali

Biography of Salvadore Dali Free Online Research Papers Salvador Dali is considered as the greatest artist of the surrealist art movement and one of the greatest masters of art of the twentieth century. During his lifetime the public got a picture of a person who was eccentric and paranoid. His personality caused a lot of controversy throughout his life. Salvador Dali was born in Figueras, Spain to father Don Salvador Dali y Cusi and mother Felipa Domenech, in 1904. He was named after his older brother who had died nine months previous and his parents believe him to be the reincarnation of. In 1907, his sister, Ana Maria, was born. Dali, was the only male in a female-dominated household, was pampered by his overprotective mother, grandmother, aunt, and nurse. All this attention was not enough for Dali, and he constantly sought ways to seek more. In 1910 His father enrolled Salvador at the State Primary School, under the teacher Esteve Trayter. He purposely threw tantrums and would give himself coughing fits He would intentionally wet his bed to anger his father. Dali continued this until he was eight years old, when he realized he could anger his father much more by getting himself into trouble at school. At around ten years old Dali stopped acting out as much, and began to show an interest in art and made his first painting. By the time he was 15, he already began setting up his own art exhibition. In 1916 Salvador spent time on the outskirts of Figueres, at the Molà ­ de la Torre property, owned by the Pichot family, who were a family of intellectuals and artists. It was there, that he discovered Impressionism by studying the collection owned by the painter Ramon Pichot. After a mediocre primary school period ended, he began his secondary schooling at the Marist Brothers’ school and at Figueres grammar school in the autumn He also attended the classes taught by Juan Nà ºÃƒ ±ez at the Municipal Drawing School in Figueres. Salvador took part in a group exhibition at the Societat de Concerts rooms in Figueres’ Municipal Theatre. During this time he and a group of friends started the Studium magazine where he publish some of his very first articles. He began his personal diary titled â€Å"Les Meves impression I records intims† ,( My Personal Impressions and Private Memories),and he continued writing it through the following year. In 1921, 17-year-old Salvador Dali entered the Madrid Fine Arts School, hoping to fuel his interest in Futurism and Cubism. However, Dali ended up getting himself was suspended for a year after urging all students to rebel against the school’s rules. In autumn of the following year he returned to the Academia de San Fernando from which he had been expelled, being now obliged to repeat an academic year He took part in the First Exhibition of the Iberian Artists Society in Madrid, He presented his first individual exhibition in Barcelona while at Galeries Dalmau. This was his period of rejecting the vanguard and questing for a pictorial tradition, essentially an Italian one. Over this academic year, 1925-1926, he did not return to the Academia de San Fernando. Federico Garcà ­a Lorca spent the holidays with Dalà ­ in Cadaquà ©s. At the end of 1926 the school decided to expel Dali permanently. He traveled to Paris in 1929 and, through Joan Mirà ³, came into contact with the group of surrealists headed by Andrà © Breton. Salvador developed an interest in Surrealism, and joined the movement. Dali began developing his method, which he eventually would name â€Å"Paranoiac-critical† and describe as a â€Å"spontaneous method of irrational knowledge based on critical and systematic objectivities of delirious associations and interpretations.† In the next few years, Dali produced three paintings: in 1929 he painted ‘The Lugubrious Game’. In 1931 he finished work on the painting he is best known for, ‘The Persistence of Memory’; In 1932 he produced ‘Surrealist Objects, Gauges of Instantaneous Memory’. Dali created his trademark â€Å"soft watches† that he is now famous for. Research Papers on Biography of Salvadore DaliBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyTrailblazing by Eric AndersonStandardized TestingHip-Hop is ArtHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayThe Spring and AutumnQuebec and CanadaEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenWhere Wild and West Meet

Monday, October 21, 2019

The theory of perfect competition ... has little claim to be called ‘competition’ at all, and ... its conclusions are of little use to policy The WritePass Journal

The theory of perfect competition ... has little claim to be called ‘competition’ at all, and ... its conclusions are of little use to policy Abstract The theory of perfect competition has little claim to be called ‘competition’ at all, and its conclusions are of little use to policy , p. 81). All of them have very little power in the market, but sell to their customers. In this instance, there is nothing like perfect competition. Nevertheless, even this is being affected by the development of intensive agri-business in the United States who would enjoy a large market share. Similarly, supermarket chains also use their influence in the market to force down the prices that they pay the farmers. There is no other industry that has several firms; instead, there are a few (Anderson, 2009, p.88). All goods are the same or identical It is required by this concept that all goods and services be similar and regarded as identical. In this manner, companies can only compete on the pricing, thus is one of them reduces its price, and then the customers will immediately rush to it to enjoy the offers. Whereas this applies to the carrots and agriculture, it does not anywhere else. Companies actively attempt to make their goods and services to be distinct from their competitors (Steve, 2009, p.78). They do this by either making a slight difference or even playing as though there are genuine distinctions. For instance, producers go to great levels of proving that their razor is very different and the best in the market that cannot be compared to any other. Another good example can be the various models of cars that are being manufactured by different companies; they appear quite different from one another such that they cannot only be compared in terms of price only (Drexler, 2007, p. 62). This presumption overlooks the f act that several companies compete actively based on the quality of their products. The industry of food has its basis on the similar food that is served in different ways, which makes restaurants to compete mainly on the quality of their foods and not price (Buiter and Ebrahim, 2012, p. 29). Lack of barriers to exit or entry In this concept, it is assumed that if companies in the industry are getting large amounts of profits, then more firms will be attracted to the market. Companies will continue joining the market until the excess profit being earned by the companies is brought back down to the normal rate, but what this normal means has never been stated. There are barriers to entry in nearly all of the industries in the world. Some of the barriers include official or maximum limits like in the legal and medical professions (Johnson and Guillermo, 2012, p. 81). However, the most common is the large amount of funds or resources that are required for a successful entry into the industry by a company. For instance, Irish airlines are only two because the costs of start up in the purchasing of aircraft are so high to afford. Whereas this might be the most clear and obvious instance, nearly all industries involve expenses of set up like the buying of premises and equipment (Petri, 2004, p.52). This greatly prevents companies from making expansions into some other new industries and is a key limit on the number of companies. Moreover, it is believed that companies do not attempt to prevent some other new potential competitors by either collusion or reducing their prices for a short term in order to discourage the new entrants. Customers have perfect information The assumption is that all customers have the information regarding all that they need to know. Therefore, if one company reduces its prices, then customers will be able to learn about very fast. Customers are believed to have the capability to do a comparison of all businesses and then choose the best to deal with (Anderson and Wincoop, 2008, p.87). They are believed to be in a position of distinguishing the difference in quality between goods and services. If a company seeks to gain advantage by pricing its goods or services lower but their quality is also low, it would quickly be discovered. Apparently, it is true that the customers are not aware of everything and can always be fooled or cheated by the market (Anderson and Wincoop, 2008, p.89). A good case in instance is advertising, which convinces consumers that the two services or goods that are similar are different in real sense. In some other instance, the consumers are convinced to purchase the goods and services that are o f low quality. Consumers sometimes usually do not know the best quality of good that they should purchase or the cheapest price Anderson and Wincoop, 2008, p.90). All companies have equal access to the technology and resources with reducing or constant returns to scale This concept or assumption has some other faulty presumptions that believe that all companies are on the same level. It is therefore impossible for one company to adapt or even invent a new technology ahead of its competitors; but instead it comes from a source that is not known and its distribution is done in a simultaneous and equal manner (Roark, 2006, p. 90). Similarly, it is presumed that all companies use similar resources in the say ways, and no company might be more competent than the other. It is also assumed that there is nothing like economies of scale, considering that were are at the core of industrial revolution and the concept of capitalist is itself ridiculous (Machovec,   2008, p.67). If one company made the economies of scale available, then its goods and services would be soles at a lower price, its sales would be increased, meaning that it would become more competent, enabling it to sell its products as a lower cost until it assumes the market dominance. It is t hus true that for a perfect competition to be feasible, economies of scale should not be there, but an industry filled with small cottage factories (Bernhofen and Brown, 2005, p.54). More so, the concept has the assumption that there is nothing like loyalty to brand, that customers will run away from their usual company when they are suited. It also assumes that there is nothing like promotions for convincing the people to purchase a particular product that they would not have otherwise purchased. There are also not costs of transportation and all of the companies can access the same markets equally such that there is no regional or local advantage (Obstfeld, 2012, p. 92). Conclusion Perfect competition can only exist in a world where time is not moving, and that is definitely an impossibility. There cannot be growth of industry via enhancing proficiency or new innovations. Companies do not invest or even save in the future. If a company makes losses and is not able to weather the storm, it goes bankrupt. It is a world where there is nothing like profit and it is treated just like sex in the Victorian era; it something that happens but people pretend that it does not. This concept is the model of all the conservatives and the neo-classical economics’ bedrock. Sadly, it does not exist in the ideal world with the exception of agriculture. The theory only exists in the minds of those who admire it and in the papers. It cannot be found or applied anywhere where it should count. Like all the perfection dreams, perfect competition should be recognized for what it is; that is something that can never be real. Bibliography Anderson, J E. and Wincoop, E 2008, Gravity with Gravitas: A Solution to the Border Puzzle, American Economic Review 93, pp. 170-192. Bernhofen, D M. and Brown J 2005, An Empirical Assessment of the Comparative Advantage Gains from Trade: Evidence from Japan, American Economic Review 95, pp. 208-225. Bown, C P. and Meredith A C 2007, Trade Deflection and Trade Depression, Journal of International Economics 72, pp. 176-201. Buchanan, J M., and Wagner, R E 2009, Democracy in Deficit. New York: Academic Press. Buiter, W and Ebrahim R 2012, Rising Risks of Greek Euro Area Exit, Global Economics View. Johnson, R C and Guillermo N 2012, Accounting for Intermediates: Production Sharing and Trade in Value Added, Journal of International Economics 86(2), pp. 224-236. Machovec F 2008, Perfect Competition and the Transformation of Economics, Taylor Francis Obstfeld, M 2012, Does the Current Account Still Matter?, Richard T. Ely Lecture, American Economic Review 102(3), pp. 1-23. Petri, F 2004, General Equilibrium, Capital and Macroeconomics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Steve K 2009, Debunking Economics: The Naked Emperor of the Social Sciences, Pluto Press Australia. Anderson, K 2009, Globalization, WTO, and ASEAN, ASEAN Economic Bulletin 18:1, pp. 12-23. Siegel, J G. and Jae K. S 2008m Finance. New York: Barrons. Roark, W 2006, Concise Encyclopedia of Real Estate Business Terms. Psychology Press. Drexler, K 2007, Icons of Business: An Encyclopedia of Mavericks, Movers, And Shakers. Greenwood Publishing Group.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Breach and Break

Breach and Break Breach and Break Breach and Break By Maeve Maddox Patrick writes: Im an English instructor in Germany and was recently asked about the difference between breach and break. Can you help? Both words have to do with breaking. Both can be used as either nouns or verbs: Can you repair the break in this line? How did you break it? Joan of Arc was sued for breach of promise. The Burgundians breached the walls of Paris. The principal parts of to break are break, broke, (have) broken. The principal parts of to breach are breach, breached, (have) breached. Break comes from Old English brecan, to break, shatter, burst. Breach comes from the same OE verb, but by way of a noun derived from brecan. The OE noun bryce (the ce is pronounced /ch/ as in modern breach) meant a breach, fracture. Bryce was later influenced in its spelling by Old French breche, opening or gap. A breach is a broken place, as in a wall. Used as a verb, breach has the same meaning as to break, but to breach something suggests that the break is being made despite defenses or safeguards that are in place. The noun breach is common in legal language, as in the terms breach of contract and breach of the peace. Here are some examples the use of breach used as a verb: FBI, Telecoms Teamed to Breach Wiretap Laws The Rachel Corrie ship to try to breach Gaza blockade next month Open-records law appears to breach government secrecy Marines use a torch to breach a door A common use of breach as a noun is in the expression to heal a breach, that is, to reconcile sides in a dispute or falling out Codeplex hopes Walli can heal breach with open source As efforts continue to heal the breach in regional relations in the Middle East, Qatar emerges as an important player†¦ Healing the Breach between Feminists and Non-Feminists In the context of a broken bone, one would speak of healing the break. Sometimes writers use breach in place of a more suitable word, as in this question dealing with the breakage of hair: What works best hair product to heal the breach? Non-native English speakers are prone to use breach in a context calling for break as in these examples: At the alpha of 2009, Nino took a breach from music to complete his accomplish account in the Hellenic Army in Rhodes, He was apprenticed by a faculty of honour, never lied, and would rather die than breach his word. Her career connected auspiciously with films such as Bob Carol Ted Alice (1969). After this she took a breach from acting†¦ In each example, break is the word called for by the context. Although break and breach are similar in meaning, they cannot be used as exact synonyms. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Homograph ExamplesTaser or Tazer? Tazing or Tasering?20 Slang Terms for Law Enforcement Personnel

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Management Coaching Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management Coaching - Thesis Example However, after realizing the benefits of this concept, more and more companies began incorporating it into their business practices. 2 Business coaching allows executives and regular staff alike to become self aware. They realize what their strengths and weaknesses really are and begin to look at issues from another perspective. On top of that, they begin to understand some of the mistakes that might have sprung from their beliefs and rationales. 3 Business coaching allows individuals to develop time management skills, organizational skills, strategic development skills and leadership skills. All these are vital in ensuring the smooth flow of organizational activities and practices. Business coaching is essential in clarifying one's role as a manager or executive. It transforms individuals from just being producers of goods and services to being in charge of one's business. This is possible by teaching candidates how to communicate to ones' subordinates about a strategic plan, how to focus on long term objectives and the process of delegating authority. 4 Organisations within the Asian context should definitely consider business coaching because it has the propensity to improve results and productivity. This is because it provides a connection between the technical and relational aspects of business. Since production is carried out by people, then one should look for ways of enhancing people relationships. Business coaching is the platform for doing that. How business coaching is done Business coaches should use a series of business skills to fit into a client's organization. They should also have experience with running their own businesses so that they can give support to their anecdotes using this hands-on experience. Business coaches do not tell clients what to do; instead, they foster a friendship with the client, support the client and cause the client to stretch their horizons beyond the obvious. 5 Business coaching is done depending on the needs of the clients. If a client needs business coaching skills to start a new company or business, then business coaches give them the tools for planning their businesses. Here, one is taught how to choose an appropriate organizational structure; one is also taught how to look for service providers from various professions. On top of that, one is given insight about choosing to hire external services or to outsource them. On top of that, one is also given training on sales and marketing strategies. When a business is growing and developing, business coaching involves helping the client redesign their business plan. It is also teaches clients how to improve their operation systems. Also, they are taught how to evaluate their competitors and gauge the most threatening ones. The delegation process is also paramount in growing businesses and this is a key subject in business coaching. 6 When a client owns an already established business, then business coaching is tailored towards this need. Managers are taught how to change their management structures. They are also taught how to encourage their employees to be more innovative. Besides that, business coaching here involves teaching managers how to encourage their employees to be more innovative. Employers are also taught how to evaluate opportunities and methods of entering into new markets. 7 The last category of clients in business coach

Friday, October 18, 2019

Critically analyse the importance of Paris in French New Wave cinema Essay

Critically analyse the importance of Paris in French New Wave cinema with close reference to two appropriate films - Essay Example The film makers made France to experience a massive revolution in the film industry. As a result, they acquired the name â€Å"French New Wave† (Betz 2009, p. 136). Before the changes in the film industry, all the French movies were shot in studios. In the traditional films, Paris was presented in reconstructive and conservative way. Many scenes that were captured before and during the war could not be adapted to the screen. The situation was becoming less attractive to the new generation of filmmakers. Consequently, they gathered at the editorial room where they all agreed that the traditional films in French were very artificial. They decided to divert from the filming strategies that were influenced by the preferred aesthetics during that period (Shortcuts 2011, p. 75). Among the factors that motivated the film makers to introduce the new changes in cinema was the fast evolving technology in Paris and the improved financial system. The film makers from Paris made film makin g more flexible with the new technology. For instance, in the traditional French film industry scenes could only be shot during the day. In addition, the outdoor scenes were not very clear. However, with the new technology, scenes could be captured even at night. Outdoor shoots also became clear because of the use of the new lightweight cameras. Among the first film makers to use the new technologies introduced in the film industry was Louiss Malle in the year 1958. His film was followed by other experimental films which aimed at capturing the real life events in the city. This resulted into a shift from artificial films to films that gave a realistic impression of the city. For instance, the scenes captured in the films seemed real and not highly dramatized like those in the traditional ones (Neupert 2007, p. 356). Paris also played a great role in the new wave because all the film critics

Unemployment Benefits and Financial Difficulty Essay

Unemployment Benefits and Financial Difficulty - Essay Example Unemployment is not something that can be easily explained, especially considering that people who find themselves unemployed do not fall into one distinct group. There are a number of causes and reasons why one person finds himself unemployed with structural unemployment, frictional unemployment and seasonal unemployment being the most common types. Francine, on the other hand, is affected by seasonal unemployment which refers to individuals who hold jobs for a distinct period of time such as the job she had at the ski resort and which ended because the winter season is over. Her type of unemployment is hard to define since she is only available for a period of time for a specific kind of work (Tucker 172). However, she does not qualify for unemployment benefits since it is clear that she is not undergoing any type of financial difficulty being as she has stated she is not interested in working until the next winter season. Beauvoir, on the other hand, is affected by structural unem ployment where the skill set that she has no longer matches with the requirements of her place of work. This is a major problem that is occurring in the present time as the world becomes more technologically oriented. Another problem with this type of unemployment is the fact that it can last for a long period of time simply because firms are not willing to retrain their workers as a result of cost or the time involved (Tucker 172). Because Beauvoir was a full-time employee and did have the skills that were needed to carry out her job up to the time that the firm became upgraded, she does deserve the unemployment benefits to keep her going as she looks for a way to enhance on her computer skills.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Economic - Essay Example Some basic examples of underdeveloped regions are Asia, Africa and Latin America. Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar, Somalia and Cambodia are some countries that fall into this category. (Gerard Chaliand, n.d) Different countries generally face different problems depending upon the level of development and progress made by the country. Naturally, the ones that are developed will face a lesser number of problems and also of a different kind. Underdeveloped countries are bound to face a mountain of difficulties and of a severe kind. The characteristics of an underdeveloped country are actually what its problems are. The basic challenges faced by people in underdeveloped countries are the unavailability of shelter, clothing, food, health services and even water for every person living. This is due to large populations and little resources. Educational standards are very low – lack of qualification means unemployment. Plus, there is a lack of funds with the government that can be spent on health services and other welfare of the people. Technologically speaking, these countries are almost close to nil. (Poverty in Underdeveloped Countries—The Poorest of the Poor - The Poor In Africa, n.d) Firstly, we have the problem of the lack of resources. Not only is there a lack but there is only a specific type of resource available. Most underdeveloped countries are agricultural economies; that is, they earn by selling primary goods such as tea, wheat, cotton etc. These goods, no doubt, have a huge market but they are not as helpful in progression a country as are industrial and manufacturing goods. Developed countries mainly depend on the export and import of manufacturing goods, also known as, capital goods – these are machineries that enhance the efficiency and production of consumer goods. The usage of these machines in a country helps augment living standards. It is clearly

Use of Music in Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Use of Music in Marketing - Essay Example This essay "Use of music in marketing" outlines the role of music in the advertising. The music creates the association between sound and product's image in the consumers' minds. People buying certain brand in the XXI century do not need just a brand, they also want emotional connection with it and they want to make sure that this brand will speak of them to other people. And emotional feedback from the act of purchase is possible only when the advertisement has created buzz and excitement in advance. So commercials with the right music can guarantee three important things to consumers: identity with the product, engagement, and currency of the marketing situation. Music can be that last step helping the brand to draw attention of the customers and stick in their memory. Moreover, with the help of music it is possible to provide consumers with the content to examine and share (Olenski, 2014). Whenever there are emotions involved people start speaking about artistic approach. That is how choosing the right music has become a special kind of art in marketing. Music as a universal language can speak to all layers of the audience and be understood without words. Music instantly gives a full of scope of information about the main characteristics of the product: for example, if a company is launching a completely new product they may introduce a fresh band in their commercial to be associated with coolness and innovations. Music appeals to a more profound level of information processing-emotions.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Economic - Essay Example Some basic examples of underdeveloped regions are Asia, Africa and Latin America. Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar, Somalia and Cambodia are some countries that fall into this category. (Gerard Chaliand, n.d) Different countries generally face different problems depending upon the level of development and progress made by the country. Naturally, the ones that are developed will face a lesser number of problems and also of a different kind. Underdeveloped countries are bound to face a mountain of difficulties and of a severe kind. The characteristics of an underdeveloped country are actually what its problems are. The basic challenges faced by people in underdeveloped countries are the unavailability of shelter, clothing, food, health services and even water for every person living. This is due to large populations and little resources. Educational standards are very low – lack of qualification means unemployment. Plus, there is a lack of funds with the government that can be spent on health services and other welfare of the people. Technologically speaking, these countries are almost close to nil. (Poverty in Underdeveloped Countries—The Poorest of the Poor - The Poor In Africa, n.d) Firstly, we have the problem of the lack of resources. Not only is there a lack but there is only a specific type of resource available. Most underdeveloped countries are agricultural economies; that is, they earn by selling primary goods such as tea, wheat, cotton etc. These goods, no doubt, have a huge market but they are not as helpful in progression a country as are industrial and manufacturing goods. Developed countries mainly depend on the export and import of manufacturing goods, also known as, capital goods – these are machineries that enhance the efficiency and production of consumer goods. The usage of these machines in a country helps augment living standards. It is clearly

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Human Aspects of Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human Aspects of Decision Making - Essay Example adership skill is linked to innate abilities within an individual and highlight effective tactics both at internally processing information and outwardly projecting intrinsic personality traits; negating the premise that success in leadership can be learned through instruction. There has recently been a resurgence of interest in the impact of personality in the workplace, including the behaviour of employees and organisational behaviour processes (Leung & Bozionelos, 2004). Effective communication, decision making, and negotiation skills have been heralded as success tools for an organisational leader, however, the idea that these abilities can be learned through instruction is somewhat naà ¯ve. Personality might best be defined as an individuals unique patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that endure over a period of time and across specific situations. These very much internal patterns of awareness help to shape an individuals perceptions regarding how to best handle conflicts, process information, and how to shape a decision to appropriately fit the situation. Successful leaders use their passion, values, and personal mission to create and maintain influence (Frisina & Steltzer, 2001). With this idea in mind, it is important to recognise that learned theories, without the internal propensity for personality-based judgments, are ineffective theories that lack the substance of intuition and personality-based understandings of the environment. Personality traits are literally encoded in the nervous system as structures that guide consistent behaviour across a wide variety of situations (Morris & Maisto, 2005). Recognising the psychological principal that personality is a genetic attribute allows for the assumption that communication, decision making, and negotiation practices are derived of inborn, natural talents that cannot be properly taught through any contemporary module. This really should not be surprising, because all executives are different,

Comparing Ulysses Essay Example for Free

Comparing Ulysses Essay Both Ulysses and Macbeth were able to gain power of kingship, but the way they gained the powers are different. In this essay I am going to compare how they regard power, both differently and similarly. I intend to use Heinemann, (1994), version of Macbeth by Shakespeare and the class handout of Ulysses. The main focus of Macbeth will be from Act1 Scene 7, lines 1-28 and Act 2 Scene 1, line 33-61, whilst I will also take account of other related part throughout the play. Since Lord Tennyson and William Shakespeare are from different era in the history, their perspective of the world will be different, therefore I will also mention about Shakespeares and Lord Tennysons different perspective towards power and language they used. Most great writers reflect their attitude to life on their work, so it is important to consider the social and historical background of the Jacobeans- the time when Shakespeare wrote the play, and the Victorian time, when Lord Tennyson was alive. In Victorian times, Britain was a powerful country. There were unlimited opportunities for mainly the upper class people to broaden their knowledge by going to new places and experience the foreign cultures. When Lord Tennyson wrote this poem, he was grieving over his best friends death. By writing this poem he was able to express his emotional feeling as well as to persuade him to let it go. He also had the opportunities to tell people that it is never too late to seek a newer world. For examples, Ulysses new world would be the after life world and Lord Tennysons new world would be the world without his best friend. At the end of Macbeth, the moral we get is that never to cross the line of Divine Order. During Jacobean time, they believed that the duty of the King is chosen by God: They believed that every living organism has an order and it is decided by God, this is call the Divine Order. If one decides to go against the Divine Order, like killing the King to be the monarchy himself then, he had done something that is very morbid during the Jacobeans: going against God. Shakespeare tried show that by the cost of Macbeth have to face after he had murdered the King, one example is that he lost his respects from his courtiers and at the end he was all by himself. Jacobeans were also very superstitious; they believed that witches are evil because they worship demon, so if there was a plague or a natural disaster, they blamed on the witches: they are first put to trials and then was executed, mainly hanged or burned. Because Shakespeare made Macbeth associate with the witches by talking and worse of all trusting them, that made Macbeth evil. Shakespeare did this to please his King, King James, as he was against the supernatural and was able help King James to spread the evilness of the witches through his play. The poem, Ulysses started by a slow rhythm. Lord Tennyson managed this by using the words with long vowels such as, hoard, and sleep, and feed. These words give us the sense of dullness and mundane, which was how Ulysses feels at the beginning. However, as we go further down the poem, the dullness was decrease as he started to talk about his adventurous days.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Impact Of Pop Culture On Our Society Music Essay

Impact Of Pop Culture On Our Society Music Essay Many people attribute pop culture as ideas, art, and perspectives isolated to the 1960s. Pop culture started as an era during the 20th century. However, the ideas expressed in pop culture art deeply impact our society in 2010. Undeniably, pop culture influenced art, such as architecture, design, music, and theatre influence this generations entertainment, day-to-day living, and even possibly, our political climate. Three people definitively displaying this pop culture impact include architect Michael Graves, comic book author and creator Stan Lee and his artist Steve Ditko, and musician Michael Jackson. These men have not only impacted society thirty to forty years ago but their presence is still influential today. Michael Graves, an American architect, whose interest in drawing and painting began within his early childhood and has remained with him throughout his career in architecture. After college and studying abroad, Graves founded his own practice in Princeton, New Jersey in 1964. He began teaching at Princeton University in 1972. As a member of the New York Five, he developed a new style of designing called eclecticism, straying from the roots of Modernism which allowed him to emphasize his use of color. It has even been stated that he has become an opponent of modern works who uses humor as an integral part of his architecture. He has received many prestigious awards to include the 1999 National Medal of Arts and the 2001 Gold Medal from the American Institute of Architects. Paul Goldberger, architect critic for the New Yorker wrote Graves as the most truly original voice American architecture has produced in some time. Some of his projects include the Clos Pegase Winery in Calistoga, C alifornia, the Newark Museum expansion in Newark New Jersey, the Humana Building in Louisville, Kentucky, the Dolphin and Swan Hotels in Walt Disney World Florida, the Hotel New York and Euro Disney, both of Disneyland Paris, and many others. His name can be found on many things from apartment buildings to household appliances found in local Target Stores. During his career, he has not only established the Michael Graves Design Group, which has also won many awards, Graves has published many books about architecture and developed projects with many exclusive clientele. His career in design that is even within retail, clearly demonstrating his ability to take high style designs and make them easily accessible to the common consumer by way of his Target Line This line would include products such as lighting, bath and kitchen aids, products for home, office and personal use to just name a few. Graves has the privilege of being one of the most recognizable names in his field and the pre stigious honor of creating more than 300 buildings and projects. We are still counting on more beautifully designed spaces from his organization, Michael Graves Associates. Along with his exhibitions that have toured the country and world numerous times. Michael Graves is a phenomenon in the architecture world and his work has inspired a new interest in architecture, along with a new generation. From one Michael to another, Michael Joseph Jackson, a performer, composer, actor, and producer in the age of pop became a global product and pop culture was a global iconic superstar (Barnes A1). Michael Jackson was the seventh of nine children. He began his career at the age of five as the lead singer of the Jackson 5 in 1964. Michael was influenced by others who paved the way of his arrival. From Little Richard, Jackie Wilson, and James Brown, Michael paid homage and made it his mission to acknowledge their contributions by adding a little of them to his craft and liberating himself from the stereotypical images by a white controlled society. Black culture as a movement was never in the forefront until Michael came along and exposed America to it. Michael has helped shape pop culture over his forty-five year career. He made being Black in America acceptable during a time when prime time television refused to show Blacks. Michael was one of the first three black artists to break th e social barrier on MTV. Despite this major accomplishment, MTV had to be threatened with non-service of other videos before they would play Jackson. His unifying effect on world youth, and musical savvy are well documented. Fans across racial lines embraced his trademarks by sporting the Jacksonian jackets, white tees, pipestem jeans, and white socks. Michael won a total of thirteen Grammy Awards and has more Guinness World Records than any other artist. The American Music Award presented him with no less than the Artist of the Century Award. Tommy Mottola, a former head of Sony Music, called Mr. Jackson the cornerstone to the entire music business. He bridged the gap between rhythm and blues and pop music and made it into a global culture, said Mr. Mottola, who worked with Mr. Jackson until the singer cut his ties with Sony in 2001. He has influenced dozens of artists in his achievements and popularity. From Beyonce` to Justin Timberlake, Michael Jackson inspired a whole world of music and has worked with some of the greatest producers from Quincy Jones to Timbaland. Jackson has considered his great achievement and well deserved award to be the Presidential Humanitarian award from Ronald Reagan in 1984 for his support of charities helping people overcome alcohol and drug abuse. Not only was he influential in the music world, Michael had numerous humanitarian goals and dreamed of making the world a better place. In 1985, Michael alongside Lionel Richie, Quincy Jones, and help from Ken Kragen organized the We Are the World project for USA Africa, which aided famine relief efforts in Africa. This project along with Kragens Hands Across America forced the government, particularly the president, to release 800-million dollars in feeding funds for women, infants, and children, as stated by Kragen (Devine). Lastly it i s worth noting one other area within pop culture outside the world of music that Michael was known to have a fondness which has also had its impact on us today in 2010, Marvel comics. His favorite superhero is Morph from the X-Men. From the King of Pop to the King of Comic Books, also called Godfather of the Superhero, Stan Lee helped create many of our comic super heroes that are recognized as icons. Since the age of seventeen, Stan Lee has been in the comic book industry. He began as an assistant editor for the Timely Comics Group. He was later promoted in 1942 to editor. Behind Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, and Joe Simon, Stan wrote most of the scripts for some of our well known comic heroes today, such as Captain America, Sub Mariner, and The Human Torch. The Timely Group went through some changes in the fifties which would include the name. It was renamed Atlas; however, the sales were still low. At this time in America, comics were not as popular as they use to be.. In 1961, the group had well over eight superheroes. This group of heroes was renamed Marvel Comics. Lee made a few changes working along side Jack Kirby and created some of the popular superheroes that we know today with titles such as, The Fantast ic Four, Spider Man, Doctor Strange, Thor, The Hulk, The X-Men, The Silver Surfer, Sgt Fury and His Howling Commandos, Daredevil, and The Iron Man. In the sixties, he became editor of the group. Not only was Stan Lees empire growing but comics started their growth in popularity. So much so to the point has the comic world grown, that there are now annual events held every year to honor this world that Stan Lee has helped to create. These events are popular and widely known as Comic-Con, WonderCon and Alternative Press Expo. Comic-Con is covered internationally across the globe from Japan to France; from its home in California to New York. Thousands upon thousands descend upon this event every year to celebrate the world that has bought us such words as WHAM! BAM! And Whoosh! which are in the world of Stan Lee. Things went up when Spider Man was released in 2002, quickly followed by the Incredible Hulk and X-Men to the silver screen grossing over eight billion dollars in consumer sal es worldwide. Lee has also managed to gain accolades and awards for his vision and artists over the years. Hes even managed a reality show called Who Wants to Be a Superhero. His heroes and villains call to children of all ages. Giving all values of truth, honesty, justice and American Pride, Stan Lee has proven that his work is timeless and his fans are equally priceless as well. Thus the door into the fantastic world of comic books and Stan Lee is open and shall remain so for many years to come. . Pop culture is a movement like those before it. Although originated during the mid fifties-sixties, it still has a great impact on our lives today as we know undeniably. From music, to television, media to fashion, movies to everyday lives, pop culture cannot be denied and unacknowledged. It is everywhere. The pop culture movement is now more trend savvy than any other era. It is in every facet of our society of our day-to-day living. Over the last fifty years, we have been seeking a greater meaning, but it is a spoken voice through media, architecture, design, music, and even childrens cartoons. It has integrated in with other medians within our everyday existence and will remain forever popular.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Character of Lady Macbeth :: GCSE Coursework Macbeth Essays

The Character of Lady Macbeth      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The character of Lady Macbeth is a complex one, there is much that can be said regarding the juxtaposition of ideas concerning her behavior. Within this essay I shall attempt to elaborate on her forceful, selfish and contradictory character. Samuel Johnson within ‘The Plays of Shakespeare’ highlights how ambition of a protagonist leads to detestation on the part of the readers: Or in other words an ambitious nature can be used as a tool by the playwright to produce a sense of loathing and dislike amongst the audience.   The dangers presented by ambition are well described; In Shakespeare's time, it was necessary to warn credulity against vain and illusive predictions. These passions are directed to their true end. Lady Macbeth is merely detested; and though the courage of Macbeth preserves some esteem, yet every reader rejoices at his fall. (133) In "Memoranda: Remarks on the Character of Lady Macbeth," Sarah Siddons comments on the Lady's cold manner:   [Macbeth] announces the King's approach; and she, insensible it should seem to all the perils which he has encountered in battle, and to all the happiness of his safe return to her, -- for not one kind word of greeting or congratulations does she offer, -- is so entirely swallowed up by the horrible design, which has probably been suggested to her by his letters, as to have forgotten both the one and the other. (56)   In his book, ‘On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy’, H. S. Wilson describes the role of Lady Macbeth: ‘Professor Kittredge used to point out to his classes that Lady Macbeth, in urging Macbeth to act, uses the three arguments that every wife, some time or other, uses to every husband: "You promised me you'd do it!" "You'd do it if you loved me!" "If I were a man, I'd do it myself!" But Macbeth's mind is made up by her assurance that they may do it safely by fixing the guilt upon Duncan's chamberlains. (72)’   L.C. Knights in the essay "Macbeth" describes the unnaturalness of Lady Macbeth's words and actions:   Ã¢â‚¬ËœThus the sense of the unnaturalness of evil is evoked not only be repeated explicit references ("nature's mischief," "nature seems dead," " 'Tis unnatural, even like the deed that's done," and so on) but by the expression of unnatural sentiments and an unnatural violence of tone in such things as Lady Macbeth's invocation of the "spirits" who will "unsex" her, and her affirmation that she would murder the babe at her breast if she had sworn to do it.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Possible Mechanisms of Scrapie Contraction Essay -- Biology Medica

The Possible Mechanisms of Scrapie Contraction Scrapie was first discovered in Great Britain in the late 1900’s. The first case of scrapie in the United States was found in Michigan in 1947 when the flock owner had imported sheep of British origin several years prior. Since then scientists have researched to find the cause of the scrapie agent that are classified as transmissible spongiform encephalopathy. At the present, scientists have presented three main theories that explain why the scrapie agent holds a dangerous threat against its host and how it elicits its symptoms. Scientists are finding genetic alternatives to prevent and dampen the spread of scrapie within sheep and goat flocks. They use methods such as tatoing and genetic selection to regulate animals exposure to the pathogen. Scrapie is defined as a fatal, degenerative disease affecting the central nervous system of sheep and goats. It is widely feared because of its uncertain origin and therefore its seemingly incurable status. It is closely related and often associated with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE; also known as â€Å"Mad Cow† disease), as well Chronic Wasting Disease (found in deer and elk) all of which are classified as transmissible spongiform encephalopathy. (Q&A. July 2005 Scrapie is usually transmitted from the mother to her baby sheep or goats, through the placenta or the placental fluids. Animals infected with scrapie experience the symptoms and effects of the disease after two to five years post infection. Scrapie can be transmitted to susceptible sheep and goats through contact with the placenta and placental fluids of infected animals. There has been no evidence of human trans... ...entists alike are trying to make up new procedures of prevention to dampen the further spread of scrapie throughout the population of sheep and goats. Such measures taken to prevent the spread of scrapie include the genetic-based flock clean up plan. Here, genetic selection is used as the primary means of scrapie regulation. The United State s Department of Agriculture’s Animal Plant Health Inspection Service is using genetic testing to determine which exposed animals must be removed or restricted in affected flocks and which are free to move unrestricted. This genetic clean up plan calls for the removal or restriction of all exposed susceptible sheep and goats as well as a five-year cycle of strict monitoring for the breeding of all the livestock (The Genetics of Scrapie Susceptibility. July 26 2005: http://www.aphis.usda/gov/us/nahps/scrapie/scrapie_genetics.pdf).

Friday, October 11, 2019

B.I.C. Ca 100 – Research Project – Charlie Trotter

100 Jonathon Roehl September 30, 2010 Charlie Trotter Charlie Trotter specializes in Degustation, which is a careful, appreciative tasting of various foods and focusing on the senses. His inspiration came while he was in college and his roommate, Joel Fish, prepared various courses for his friends to taste. Trotter became interested in what Joel was doing, and soon found himself immersed in the world of cookbooks and preparing meals as a way of entertainment for his friends and roommate.Mid way through his college tenure at The University of Wisconsin in Madison, WI, he decided to take a year off and read every book he could, this included cookbooks. As a way to make a living while on this break from school, he took a job as a waiter. Not long after he returned to college, he earned his Bachelor's of Science degree in Political Science, then began once again cooking and actually doing small catering parties. Upon graduating from college, Charlie traveled around the U. S. and Europe t o dine at only the finest restaurants.He wanted to learn how the â€Å"best† gained that title, and see what the future could possibly hold for him. Charlie actually never went to culinary school, he completely taught himself. Soon he returned to the States and began doing catering parties for his friends and families. His first cooking job was at a restaurant in the North Shore area of Chicago called Sinclair's where he was a cook there and worked under many now well-known chefs including Norman Van Aken. After doing this for just over a year, he decided to open Charlie Trotter's with his now deceased father, Robert Trotter, as his partner.Charlie’s cuisine now comes from the finest foodstuffs available. Networks provide the fresh, healthful ingredients which inspire him to create his masterpieces. From the naturally raised meat and line caught seafood to the organic produce, every component of each dish is the most pure available. Bobwhite quail from Indiana, petite greens from Farmer Jones, heirloom tomatoes from Illinois, buffalo from North Dakota and gindai from Hawaii are just a few of the products that arrive each day for him to crafts his menus. Trotter rather ave sauce with vegetable juice-based vinaigrettes, light emulsified stocks, and purees as well as delicate broths, and herb-infused meat and fish essences then sauces that have a lot of butter or cream. According to the Mobil Travel Guide, Charlie’s restaurant was giving 5 stars back in 1996 and remains that way even now. For his wine Charlie was awarded The Best Restaurant in the World for Wine and Food in 1998, The Best Restaurant in the United States back in 2000, America’s Best Wine-Driven Restaurant in 2006 as well as The Grand Award in 1993, which he still holds.From the International food Manufacturers Association he was earned both the Silver and Gold Plate award in 2008. Trotter has been awarded many more other then these. I feel that Trotter is an excellent e xample of chefs with imagination and how you really do need to use your head and alter and expand anything from simple recipes to your whole cuisine choice considering this man NEVER went to a culinary arts school.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Analysis of Kraft Foods

[pic] Kraft Food Analysis of Kraft Food Kraft Foods is an American food and beverage multinational company. It produces and markets many brands to more than 170 countries, and 12 of its brands earn more than $1 billion worldwide annually (â€Å"Kraft Foods†, 2011). Most of the food products which we consume everyday belongs to this company. For instance, some of well-known brands are Jacobs and Maxwell, Milka and Toblerone, Tang and Cipso. It is the successful and popular leading food companies of the world. So, Kraft Foods will be reviewed in terms of values and promises that it communicates with consumers and employees, communication and job satisfaction respectively. Values of the company are shared among its employees. First value of the company is its employees. The company highlights the importance of its employees and their contribution to the company. It emphasized that hardworking and passionate workers, who constantly seeks ways to make content consumers by finding innovation, make the company what it was. After it, Focus, Passion, Speed, Teamwork and Trust are listed as the most important values of company. Those five values describe fundamental structure of organizational process. Firstly, focus on what is needed to improve the business and focus on what is important to make customers happy is like starting point of the process. Generating innovation according to needs is second value of the company. After focus and innovation, Passion which is motive of making better outcome in each work, the next value in order to reach the most desired outcome. You can manage focus, innovation and passion, but you also have a speed as a fourth value of company in order to compete with other food companies. As it is known in the beginning of the paragraph, employees are the key agents who make the name of brand. So, it is normal that fifth value is the teamwork. The final value of it is trust which is the fundamental block of teamwork and organizational communication. Firstly, the company promises to be open and inclusive, because it sees this value as a critical value to create a high-performing organizational culture. Being open to different perspectives make innovation easy and better. It claims that openness and inclusiveness to diversity are so embedded into their way of doing business and into every department of it. They constitute its blocks of organizational culture. Taking into account every possible different perspectives and evaluate them is one of promises which the company gives to its employees. Also, it guarantees that discrimination or harassment based on age, race, disability, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation or any other legally protected status are not allowed. If the company is able to approach diversity in a positive manner, this gives workers feeling of recognition and makes them more motivated. When we want to give concrete example, 43% of their mployees are women and 35% of management team is constituted by females. It shows us that there is no gender discrimination on hiring and it opens up to gender diversity. Secondly, it promises employees that they will be work in an international environment. For instance, they can be participated into European/International projects. Other than it, they can join into short-term overseas assignments, and then join into l onger-term assignments when they develop in their career path. Moreover, the company assures training and development programs for employees in order to reach their best level of expertise. These programs are like job training, cross functional projects and corporate training programs. It also promises giving feedback about how employees’ outcome contributes to the business in general. It is obvious that the promises of the company are motivating factor for employees. When we take into account both values and promises of the company, we can conclude that we are open to all ideas, we can discuss about them in a participative context, we can decide collectively and finally we deliver what we decided to others in order to make them be aware of what is going on the company. Their motto is â€Å"We discuss. We decide. We deliver. † The company uses variety of internal communication channels. Social and sports activities are among the practices which HR department prefer to use as internal communication channels. Employees can join sports teams and organized social events including a winter ski day, summer golfing day and a winter family fun day during the holidays. Those enjoyable events are organized by the company-subsidized social committee. They make work atmosphere better and improve communication among workers. It also creates a sense of equity, because every employee has equal access to them. In addition to this, employees can have a chance of socializing and increasing interaction with their co-workers by providing richly physical workplace which contains the fitness facility with free membership, employee lounge with foosball and television, quiet room for meditation and reflection, and a nap room for employees who need a quick break during the day, cafeteria with healthy menus and subsidized meals. While those places offer many opportunities for employees, they can facilitate the internal communication at the same time. The company thinks that every people has different ways of absorbing news and information, every people can use different channels, therefore the company must use very different channels to communicate with its employees. The Kraft Foods is relatively very successful in this issue. It uses face-to-face communication activities such as town hall meetings and lunch-and-learn sessions. Moreover, it has its corporate intranet and internal blog sites. Newsletters, news magazines and e-business updates are also available for employees. The company is also in Facebook. It shares company news. Their community involvement projects and sustainability efforts are announced here. The most important application of it is that some of the Kraft Foods team join to talk about their own areas of expertise to enable information sharing and facilitates internal communication. One of internal communication channel of the company which is very popular is iPhone. Kraft employees use their iPhones for sending email, organizing calendar, and saving contacts. Kraft employees can listen to audio messages, dubbed â€Å"Kraft Casts,† from the CEO and other executives on their iPhones. They are so useful to stay up-to-date on the latest corporate strategies and branding initiatives. It can be also very effective to improve [pic][pic][pic] downward communication. It makes easy information flow from top people in the company like CEOs to all employees. Learning company future strategies or plans by reading from a bulletin is less visual and live compared to by listening and watching from iPhone. There have been many community involvement projects within organization. Employees organized national and international charitable organizations with the support of company. For instance, in my view, the welfare activities serve two functions for the company. Firstly, they can make employees from all levels of organization together. They are one of social events and internal communication channels. They can work for an interdependent goal cooperatively during these charities. Employees from different departments can have a contact with each other and can improve their social relationships with co-workers. In this way, internal communication among employees can be facilitating thanks to them. [pic][pic][pic] Secondly, they can also become an external communication channel for the company. We can encounter much news in the social media when the company performs a charitable activity or subscribes to a relief fund. The company can communicate its brand externally thanks to this news. They can make contribution to the respectability, reliability of company, and at the same increases brand awareness at the same time. In sum, we can consider charitable organizations as both internal and external communications channels. Employer brand of the company is one of external communication channels of it. It can communicate itself through its brand name. While it creates its brand with what it did in the market, the brand creates the company at the same time. There is a reciprocal relationship between two. It can tell the reputation and image of the company in the market via its brand. At the same time, this external communication channels can be a motivating factor for the employees and for the upcoming new employees. The more famous and prestigious brand is, the more people want to work in this company. Its reputation in the market will attract the new employees. Upward communication is less applied in organizations than downward communication. Although there is an open and inclusive workplace for generating diverse ideas, we can not know whether this freedom is also seen in performance evaluation of managers by subordinates. There is not available information about whether subordinate appraisals of managers are applied or are not. Appraisals of supervisors which are done by the subordinates can give feedback about the performance of supervisors. If they take into account these feedbacks, they can be more effective in their working process and managing process. As employees start to recognize that heir feedback is taken into account, upward communication can be also provided. On the other hand, the company has spread all around the world. For instance, one manager who is from Europe can supervise the employees who are from very different and far away country. Thanks to the ways the Internet enables communications like teleconference, a manager can work for a far away office of the company (Waltner, 2010). Although it has so me advantages like company can choose best manager by basing on performance, not basing on location, it can be a barrier to upward communication. While networks for teleconference are available more easily when there is a meeting between senior managers from different departments, it can accessed more difficulty when more subordinate employee need it to communicate with managers. Moreover, the other factor is cultural differences. How much employees want to share their ideas about managers can be change according to culture. For instance, in more collectivistic culture, people can think that making criticism about a person can be perceived as offense by him. So, they don’t want to share its views about him in order to conform existing situation. They can fear of being evaluated negatively by their managers if they give negative feedback about their managers. So, suggestion or complaint boxes can be a good solution for those employees. Attitude surveys are one possible ways of improving upward communication. However, if the results of those surveys about the performance and effectiveness of manager are not taken into account by managers, they have no value (Aamodt, 2010). So, managers also organize a time for discussing the feedback with employees face to face. Although Kraft Foods has those kinds of surveys like many international companies, in my view, it can not effectively discuss its result with subordinates. Because, some employees have still reported some upward communication problem in a website that employees can report reviews about their company anonymously. One of employees says that there is low level of employee participation in decision making. Also, he suggested that the company should take into account the employee surveys (Kraft Foods Employee Review, 2011). Along with that comment, Kraft should initiate more democratic and participative style of management. It can improve upward communication if employees are able to generate ideas or share their concerns about process by including in the decision-making process. The company has all of the channels of communication which are essential in downward communication like bulletin boards, annual reports, newsletters, annual fact sheets or intranets. Although much of communication in organization is downward when compared with upward and although most of channels are available, still downward communication can not reach perfect level. For instance, although the company has a policy manuals or annual reports, they can not function properly, because they have a very technical language. Employees have to read themselves. Interactive meetings to discuss about current company news can be more effective than only transmitting corporate news and facts through written material. For instance, although Kraft Foods Senior Financial Analyst says that the company has many benefits, he suggests that it should improve communication and especially downward communication from middle management (Kraft Food Employee Review, 2011). Although the company has many channels, still some managers don’t really share essential things with employees. Some of them don’t set a proper guideline for what employee will do to achieve its goals. They don’t healthy share about what, when and how employees will do a task. They think that employees have already known those things, because they are their work. They have a problem in taking employees’ perspectives. So, people managerial positions can be received training programmes to improve their communication skill with their subordinates and make them aware of needs and strivings of their subordinates. Do employees really satisfied with their jobs? For instance, Dieter Follens who is the manager of Product Costing Coffee in Kraft Foods Europe said about the company is that it did not provide only a job for him, but it also provides a career in Finance for him. He had worked as an assistant with internal controls, a financial analyst, a cost controller, finance manager in our European Union (EU) Office after Belgium, and product cost manager respectively. This shows us that Kraft Foods provides employees job rotation. It is one of motivating factors of the company. They can satisfy the needs of growth and challenge. Employees feel less boredom and feel more motivated to their jobs. Also, they can understand better how they contribute to the development of the company (Robbins & Judge, 2011). Understanding the effectiveness of individual outcome and the significance of task which are among five core dimensions of Job Characteristic Model explains the satisfying effects of job rotation. Also, Mr. Follens indicated that awareness of contributing to the the growth f company make him satisfied and engaged with job, an even he added that when contribution took place in different ways, then satisfaction turns into real pleasure for him. His comments obviously showed us that job rotation and changes in the job characteristics make workers satisfied. This is the example of satisfied employee. It is impossible to expect that all employees feel and think same things about the company and their position. Also , Dieter works in organizational part of the company. We can analyze Kraft Food Company as focusing separately on white collar workers and blue collar workers. It is a big multinational manufacturing company in the field of food and beverage, so most of its employees are blue collars, in other words, they are hourly workers. While flexile work options were useful for professional employees, they are not good for manufacturing ones. Therefore, employee dissatisfaction was observed among hourly workers in 2001 and 2002 surveys. Fast Adapts Program was prepared in order to decrease the dissatisfaction. It provided workers shift-swapping, single-day vacations and job sharing. Changes in work options make increase in the level of satisfaction one year later (Executive Office of the President Council of Economic Advisers, 2010). The underlying factor that made this improvement was the autonomy, because it offered plant managers the autonomy in deciding the best suitable flexible work options for their own plant and implementing them. One empirical study showed that when the perceptions of nurses about opportunity of structural empowerment changed, changes in psychological empowerment and so in job satisfaction were observed. It means that employees feel more motivated to work and satisfied with their job when they can make work related decisions that will affect themselves (Laschinger, Finegan, Shamian, & Wilk, 2004). We can also form a relationship between this employee empowerment strategy and the Job Characteristic Model. It proposes that any job has five basic dimensions: Skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, feedback. The most relevant dimension to the empowerment programs in Kraft Foods is the autonomy. It can be defined as the degree of freedom which job offer employees about scheduling the work and deciding procedures to implement it. This freedom makes employees more satisfied and intrinsically motivated to job over time by providing to them experienced responsibility and recognition (Robbins & Judge, 2011). We can observe the same pattern in workers of Kraft foods. There are basic key motivators for employees. As in the most companies, compensation and benefits are among key motivator factors of Kraft Foods. For instance, Canada Kraft offers great financial benefits like bonuses for some employees (depending on the position), new employee referral bonuses (up to $1,000 for some positions), and year-end bonuses (to $100,000). Also, it provides health benefits plan including fertility drug treatments. In addition to this, it offers an employee store with discounted food products, dinner catering services (called the â€Å"Kraft Kafe 5 O'Clock Solutions† to take home meals). Also, it provides maternity leave with 100% of salary for 17 weeks. Performance management is one of motivator factors of Kraft Foods. For instance, employees receive individual performance reviews every 6 months in Kraft Canada (Yerema & Leung, 2011). In order to evaluate employees better, managers enroll training programs how to make effective performance reviews. Also, performance evaluation is not only based on one manager’s views, but also it is based on co-workers and other managers who know the employee. In addition to this, it takes a consultant service to make employee satisfaction and engagement surveys better and professionally. In relation to performance management, the most important motivating factor of the company is the training and skills development opportunities for employees. Two motivators are very much related to each other. As the company makes proper performance management, it can organize better training programs according to developmental needs of employees. For instance, Kraft Canada offers tuition subsidies for courses that are related to employees’ position for the development of them. Moreover, it provides professional accreditations; in-house training programs; online training programs; new employee orientation program. In addition to this, the company offers skills development outside the position of employees in Kraft test kitchens like food tastings, cooking classes and culinary presentations. Also, Kraft Foods North America (KFNA) promotes intranet provides professional development resources for its employees including access to training and mentoring. Values and ethics are among key motivator factors of the company. There is an available 15 pages document of Codes of conduct and Kraft Foods Rules of Behavior in the website of the company. It is also translated so many other languages in order to communicate its compliance and values correctly and efficiently with employees from different nations. It states 10 rules which all employees have to be obeyed. For instance, one of the most important rules of it is behaving people fairly. There are some missing motivating factors for employees in the company like clear career path. For instance, Cristina Monterrey who is Human Capital Senior Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers emphasized that Pwc provide a clear career path to employees. Each employee knows what will be his position in five years. Thanks to this knowledge about their future work life, employees feel more secure and certainty. In this way, employees feel more committed to their work and companies. Other than themselves, an agent helps them organizing their future. Worries about future which can cause stress destroyed in this way and employees work passionately. But, in the case of Kraft Foods, although it provides feedback about performance and training programs according to these feedbacks, there is no available information about a structured career program for employees. In order to make employees more motivated, career plans can be provided for them. Kraft Foods Category Planner in Glenview said that Kraft Foods is a lucrative place to work, but the employees earn every cent they make due to extremely long work hours (Kraft Food employee review, n. d. ). Although he reported that there were lots of opportunities, he paid attention to work load especially for employees with a family. Long work hours can create stress problems, because employees can not balance their work and family life properly. Long hours can be a fundamental dissatisfying factor and it can harm performance along with effect of stress. In my view, there can be some modifications in work schedule. For instance, they can provide alternative or flexible work schedules. Employees start to feel more control over their work by deciding their own working hours. This autonomy and positive effect of change on family life can make employees more motivated to their jobs. References Aamodt, M. G. (2010). Industrial/Organizational Psychology. USA: Wadsworth Cengage learning. Executive Office of the President Council of Economic Advisers. (2010). Work-life Balance and the Economics of the Workplace Flexibility. Kraft Foods. (2011). In Wikipedia. Retrieved November 19, 2011, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Kraft_Foods. Kraft Foods Employee Review (2011). Retrieved from http://www. glassdoor. com/Reviews/Kraft- Foods-Reviews-E13294. htm. Laschinger,H. K. S. , Finegan, J. E. , Shamian, J. , & Wilk, P. (2004). A longitudinal Analysis of the Impact of Workplace Empowerment on Work Satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25, 527–545. Robbins, S. P. , & Judge, T. A. (2011). Organizational Behavior. New jersey: Pearson. Yerema, R. and Leung, K. (2011). Chosen as one of Canada's Top 100 Employers and Greater Toronto's Top Employers for 2012. Retrieved from http://www. eluta. ca/top-employer-kraft-canada. Waltner, C. (2010). Networking Communications for the Global Corporation: An Interview with Kraft Foods CIO, Mark Dajani. Retrieved from http://newsroom. cisco. com/feature-content? type=webcontent&articleId=5305212. [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic]

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Japan 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Japan 2 - Assignment Example educational achievements equally competitive to another student’s academic qualifications but from a different school or a different part of the country (Jospeph, Holger, Lawrence 136). My profile is very much similar to another student’s profile in another part of the country. This is because the education system is very much similar countrywide. There are no long holiday break for schools in UAE and thus this helps all students to retain what has been learnt in school over a long period of time. Japan’s educational system is very much similar to that of the United Arab Emirates. The education system is modeled by the government to cover schools across the country. Also the schools focus on building the extracurricular lives of their students by engaging them in extracurricular activities often. The difference in education systems is that Japanese students spend more time in the classroom as compared to an ordinary student in UAE (Yasuhiro

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Final Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Final Reflection Paper - Essay Example These tools and methods when effectively and correctly applied, the goal is achieved and this can be obtained by also working with an expert researcher in the field. I have discovered through this study that the central theme in every research is in discovering the problem. This is the first approach in any research that calls for concise analysis of the problem described in a clear and precise term that is easy to understand (Leedy & Ormrod, 2013).Once this is done, the researcher can view literature that is related with the subject of study thoroughly and efficiently in order to gather enough information that would lead in the planning of research design. The research process, therefore, takes a course in which a researcher communicates his thoughts, objectives, plans, and methods in a manner that others can read (Leedy & Ormrod, 2013). Through this approach, it is imperative that any research collect adequate information and examine them keenly with a motive of constructing a rich and meaningful picture of a situation. In conclusion, the essence of research is not in merely collecting information but in arriving at a solution to the problem. Having garnered this wealth of information, it is easier for me to correctly undertake a research and achieve

Monday, October 7, 2019

Separation of Ownership and control, and agency costs Essay

Separation of Ownership and control, and agency costs - Essay Example The agreement structures together with the present production technologies and the outward lawful constraints to ascertain the cost function for conveying an output with a specific type of organization. The type of organization that survives is the one that conveys the output as per the customers’ demand at a cheaper price (Fama and Jensen, 1983, p. 302). The main agreements in any business organization outline two key things. These are the form of the lasting claims and the breakdown of the decision-making procedure that affects representatives. These are the agreements that make organizations be unique from one another and illustrate the reason behind the survival of various kinds of organizations. While concentrating on entrepreneurial organizations that require the entrepreneur to make all decisions, economists often disregard the analysis of the decision-making procedure. ... There is an emphasis on the factors that give survival value to organizational types that separate ownership and control. Residual Claims Most types of business organizations resort to agreement structures that reduce risks undertaken by representatives. This is achieved by introducing either fixed terms of remuneration or those that are pegged on performance. In addition, the agreements of most representatives comprise an implied or unequivocal provision that in exchange for the particular payoffs, the representative affirms that through the resources he accords, the interests of the residual claimants are met. Residual claimants emanate from one of the agent teams and it is likely to survive due to two reasons. First, it minimizes the expenses incurred while supervising the agreements made with other groups of representatives. Secondly, it minimizes those costs used to modify agreements for the dynamic risks encountered by other agent groups. The survival value of organizations is further enhanced by the agreements that express decisions towards the interests of lasting claimants. Different organizational forms have residual claims with varying controls. For instance, common stocks in large organizations are the least controlled lasting claims in regular use. Stockholders have provisions that do not require them to have any other duty in the organization, and their lasting claims are separate without limits. Such provisions enable stockholders to have unlimited risk sharing. These large scale organizations with such properties are referred to us open organizations. They are different from closed organizations which are not only smaller but also have lasting claims that are greatly restricted to