Thursday, October 24, 2019

The benefits of preschool Essay -- essays research papers

Everyone has his or her own first day of kindergarten experiences. Some might have been more memorable while others still trying to forget. Mine was merely an observance and evaluation period. After I gave my mother a kiss goodbye, and placed my belongings in the cubbyhole I was ready to learn, but unfortunately the majority of the other students were not. Considering one can not get too accomplished over many loud high-pitched cries, I was forced to be patient and suffer silently from boredom.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Preschool is a beneficial tool for children because they learn social skills and gain an appreciation at an early age for the education system. The prefix â€Å"pre-â€Å" means before or prior to. Preschool education refers to the education of children prior to the first grade of elementary school (Melton 181). By the time kindergarten started I was already comfortable with the idea and concept. I was not only ready, but excited to go to school to learn and meet old and new friends.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rachel and Margaret McMillian (Boyer 47) first developed the nursery school system in England of 1911. They were first coordinated to serve the needs of the poor, and health, nutrition, and social services were provided with an educational program (Boyer 48). Because preschools are subject to licensing regulations and because they have qualified teachers, they provide a valuable experience for each child beyond and baby-sitting service (Kranyik 91). The nursery-school movement began in the 19th century with the growth of the factory system. Mothers were often at work long hours at a time while younger children were left neglected. They were established so those mothers could leave their children in a safe place while they worked. Preschool is an option, but because of the state of the economy, it has forced both of the parents to seek full-time employment, they have no choice. With many children living in a single parent families, the custodial parent may have to work to support the family. Parents who are professionals and want to stay in position as well as raise a family need child care while they are at work (Kranyik 91).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The modern nursery school has changed the mold from when it was first introduced. It is centered more around education than daycare. After WWI many different universities set up labora... ...bservations and understanding of the child as he is, not as adults imagine he might or should be. Dr. Montessori then devised a total environment to help the child develop himself as a total human being. She saw the role of the teacher as one of directing activity rather than actually teaching, so she preferred to use the name â€Å"directress instead of â€Å"teacher.† There are many differences between Montessori and traditional preschool but the basic idea stays the same.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although preschools were mainly invented for the convenience of adults (Melton 182), the have evolved from sandboxes and finger painting to letter blocks and handwriting instructions. Everything is created for the advancement is actually benefiting the preschooler now and in the future even more so. Melton, David, How to Help Your Preschooler Learn. New York, NY: David McKay Company, Inc. 1976 Malloy, Terry, Montessori and Your Child. New York, NY: Schocken Books 1974 Kranyik, Margery A., Starting School. New York, NY: Continuum 1982 Hainstock, Elizabeth, The Essential Montessori. New York, NY: Plume Printing 1986 Boyer, Ernest L., Ready to Learn. Princeton, NJ: The Carnegie Foundation 1991

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