Friday, October 18, 2019

Unemployment Benefits and Financial Difficulty Essay

Unemployment Benefits and Financial Difficulty - Essay Example Unemployment is not something that can be easily explained, especially considering that people who find themselves unemployed do not fall into one distinct group. There are a number of causes and reasons why one person finds himself unemployed with structural unemployment, frictional unemployment and seasonal unemployment being the most common types. Francine, on the other hand, is affected by seasonal unemployment which refers to individuals who hold jobs for a distinct period of time such as the job she had at the ski resort and which ended because the winter season is over. Her type of unemployment is hard to define since she is only available for a period of time for a specific kind of work (Tucker 172). However, she does not qualify for unemployment benefits since it is clear that she is not undergoing any type of financial difficulty being as she has stated she is not interested in working until the next winter season. Beauvoir, on the other hand, is affected by structural unem ployment where the skill set that she has no longer matches with the requirements of her place of work. This is a major problem that is occurring in the present time as the world becomes more technologically oriented. Another problem with this type of unemployment is the fact that it can last for a long period of time simply because firms are not willing to retrain their workers as a result of cost or the time involved (Tucker 172). Because Beauvoir was a full-time employee and did have the skills that were needed to carry out her job up to the time that the firm became upgraded, she does deserve the unemployment benefits to keep her going as she looks for a way to enhance on her computer skills.

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